JNTUH B.Tech - R22, R18 - Database Management Systems Notes/Study Materials


JNTUH B.Tech - R22, R18 - Database Management Systems (DBMS) Notes/Study Materials - Set 1

JNTUH B.Tech - R22, R18 - Database Management Systems (DBMS) Notes/Study Materials - Set 2

JNTUH B.Tech - R22, R18 - Database Management Systems (DBMS) Hand Written Notes/Study Materials - Set 3

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JNTUH B.Tech - R22, R18 - Database Management Systems (DBMS) Important Short and Long Questions
Unit 1 | Unit 2 | Unit 3 | Unit 4 | Unit 5

JNTUH B.Tech - R22, R18 - Database Management Systems (DBMS) Important Questions
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JNTUH B.Tech - R22, R18 - Database Management Systems (DBMS) - Unit 1 : Long and Short Answer Questions

Unit 1 :
Short Questions :
1. Define (i) Database (ii) DBMS
2. List the database applications.
3. Discuss about Data Definition language, Data Manipulation language commands with Example.
4. List various DML commands and give example for each.
5. Explain data model and list the types of data model used.
6. Write short notes on levels of data abstraction.
7. Define the terms i) Entity ii) Entity set iii) weak entity set iv) strong entity set?
8. Define instance, schema and data abstraction.
9. Draw the notations of ER-Diagram.
10. Define aggregation and relationship.

Long Questions :
1. Compare and Contrast file Systems with database systems.

2. Write short notes on history of DBMS.

3. Explain briefly about Data Abstraction and discuss levels of Abstraction.

4. Describe the Structure of DBMS.

5. Discuss additional features of the ER-Models.

6. Explain briefly about database design steps.

7. Distinguish Strong entity set with Weak entity set and Draw an ER diagram to illustrate Weak entity set.

8. Explain different types of database users and write the functions of DBA.

9. Discuss about the Conceptual Design with the ER Model.

10 Construct an ER diagram for HOSPITAL Management system with the following
PATIENTS(Pssn, Lastname, Firstname, PhoneNo, Sex,DOB,Address)
DOCTORS(Dssn, Lastname, Firstname, PhoneNo, Sex, DOB, Address)
BEDS(RoomNo, BedNo, Type, Status, Price)
ACCOUNTS(DateIn, DateOut, Amount), Show all the types of Entities and Attributes
along with relevant Relationships ,Participation constraints and Cardinality ratios
JNTUH B.Tech - R22, R18 - Database Management Systems (DBMS) - Unit 2 : Long and Short Answer Questions

Unit 2 :
Short Questions :
1. Define integrity constraints and write the purpose of integrity constraint.
2. State about SELECT, PROJECT operation in Relational algebra.
3. State the purpose of referential integrity constraint and give an example.
4. Define VIEW.
5. Discuss the use of rename operation.
6. Explain different types of keys in DBMS.
7. Explain Domain integrity constraints with example.
8. Define Null Value.
9. Define Dynamic SQL.
10. Define table Constraints and Assertions.

Long Questions :
1 Illustrate different set operations in Relational algebra with an example.

2. Discuss about Domain Relational calculus in detail.

3. Write about views and updates on views.

4. Discuss about integrity constraints over relations.

5. Refer the relation schemas given below and answer the questions asked after schema description.
Suppliers (S.No., Sname, City)
Parts( P.No., Pname, Colour, City)
Projects (ProjectNo., ProjectName, City)
Sup-Par-Proj(S.No., P.No., ProjectNo., Quantity)
a) Identify the entity integrity constraints in the relations.
b) Identify the referential integrity constraints in the relations.

6. Discuss about the operators SELECT, PROJECT, UNION.

7. Discuss about the operators renaming, joins, division.

8. Demonstrate how to add a NOT NULL column to a table with example.

9. Write briefly about logical database design.

10. a) Explain relational calculus?
b)Write a TRC query to find the names of sailors who have reserved boat 103.
c)Write a DRC query to find the names of sailors who have reserved boat 103.
JNTUH B.Tech - R22, R18 - Database Management Systems (DBMS) - Unit 3 : Long and Short Answer Questions

Unit 3 :
Short Questions :
1. Define view and how you can define, alter and drop a view.
2. Write about aggregate operators in SQL.
3 Discuss the basic form of SQL query.
4. Illustrate the usage of UNION, INTERSECT and EXCEPT.
5 Illustrate the usage of group by and having clause in SQL and give an example.
6. Define Armstrong axioms for FD’s.
7 Define First Normal Form.
8. Define Second Normal Form.
9. Define functional dependency. Why are some functional dependencies trivial?
10. Define Fourth Normal Form.

Long Questions :
1. Define view and how you can define, alter and drop a view in SQL. Explain with examples.

2 Define functional dependencies. How are primary keys related to FD’s?

3. Define normalization and Explain 1NF, 2NF, 3NF Normal forms.

4 Explain about
a) Nested query and correlated nested queries.
b) Nested query to find the names of sailors who have reserved both a red and green boat.
c) Nested query to find the names of sailors who have reserved all boats.

5. Define trigger and explain its three parts. Differentiate row level and statement level Triggers.

6 Illustrate Multivalued dependencies and Fourth normal form with example.

7. a)Write the need for schema refinement in relational database design.
b)Define lossless Join dependency. Explain 5NF with suitable example.

8. Compute the closure of the following set of functional dependencies for a relation scheme.
R(A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H), F={ AB → C, BD → EF, AD → G,A → H}
List the candidate keys of R

9. Explain various data manipulation and data definition statements in SQL with examples.

10. Define decomposition? How does it address redundancy? Give an example.
JNTUH B.Tech - R22, R18 - Database Management Systems (DBMS) - Unit 4 : Long and Short Answer Questions

Unit 4 :
Short Questions :
1. Define a Transaction. List the properties of transaction
2. Discuss different phases of transaction.
3. Discuss recoverable schedules.
4. Discuss about log based recovery.
5. Define Two Phase Commit protocol.
6. Demonstrate the implementation of Isolation.
7. Discuss the Procedure to test Serializability.
8. Explain about different types of locks.
9. Discuss about Failure Classification.
10. Define a checkpoint.

Long Questions :
1. Explain ACID properties and Illustrate them through examples.

2. Illustrate Concurrent execution of transaction with examples.

3. Discuss two phase locking protocol and strict two phase locking protocols.

4. Describe Timestamp based locking protocols and Validation-based locking protocols.

5. Discuss Serializability in detail.

6. Discuss in detail about Multiple Granularity. Explain Buffer Management.

7. Explain different types of Advanced Recovery Techniques.

8. Write in detail about Remote Backup systems.

9. Discuss the failures that can occur with loss of Non-volatile storage.

10. Discuss how do you recover from Concurrent transactions.
JNTUH B.Tech - R22, R18 - Database Management Systems (DBMS) - Unit 5 : Long and Short Answer Questions

Unit 5 :
Short Questions :
1. Define Tree Indexing.
2. Define extendable hashing.
3. Define linear hashing.
4. Discuss the Primary and Secondary indexes.
5. Discuss the intuition for Tree Indexes.
6. Define Indexed Sequential Access Method.
7. Explain about RAID.
8. Explain about B+ tree index file.
9. Explain about organization of records in files.
10. Explain Clustered Indexes.

Long Questions :
1. Write in detail about Hash based Indexing and Tree based Indexing.

2. Compare I/O costs for all File Organizations.

3. Explain in detail about ISAM.

4 Explain B+ trees. Discuss about this Dynamic Index Structure.

5. Demonstrate searching a given element in B+ trees. Explain with example.

6. Illustrate insertion and deletion of an element in B+ trees with example.

7. Write in detail about Static Hashing and extendible hashing.

8. Show that the extensible hash structure for this file if the hash functions h(x)=xmod 3 and bucket can hold five records . Construct a B+ tree to insert the following key elements (order of the tree 3)5,9,12,16,21,25,32,34,38,42,51,55,61,65

9. Explain in detail about Linear Hashing.

10. Compare and Contrast Extendible Hashing with Linear Hashing.