JNTUH B.Tech - R18 - Web Technologies - Notes/Study Materials


JNTUH B.Tech - R18 - Web Technologies - Notes/Study Materials - Set 1
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JNTUH B.Tech - R18 - Web Technologies - Notes/Study Materials - Set 2

JNTUH B.Tech - R18 - Web Technologies - Hand Written Notes/Study Materials - Set 3

JNTUH B.Tech - R18 - Web Technologies - Question and Answers [Unit Wise - Set 1]
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JNTUH B.Tech - R18 - Web Technologies - Short/Long Question and Answers [Unit Wise - Set 2]

JNTUH B.Tech - R18 - Web Technologies - Short/Long Question and Answers [Unit Wise - Set 3]

JNTUH B.Tech - R18 - Web Technologies - Important Questions
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JNTUH B.Tech - R18 - Web Technologies - Important Questions

Unit 1 :
1. Explain with an example program how to connect to a SQL Server database from a PHP script.
2. Write a PHP code to validate the form consisting of a username, password and email fields.
3. Write the structure of PHP script with an example.
4. Discuss different types of Conditional statements in PHP.
5. Write a PHP program to demonstrate the passing a variable by reference.

Unit 2 :
1. Which HTTP method is non-idempotent?
2. Explain difference between GET and POST method?
3. List out MIME Types?
4. List the differences between Client side JavaScript Server side JavaScript?
5. Define how to create a Date Object?

Unit 3 :
1. Discuss the web application and its directory structure.
2. list and briefly explain the methods defined in the HttpServletRequest.
3. list and explain different types of JDBC drivers.
4. Build a servlet program to illustrate parameter reading and initialization parameters.
5. List out the difference between web server and application server.

Unit 4 :
1. Explain about JSP
2. Explain briefly about data base connectivity by using JSP
3. Explain about cookies and sessions
4. Briefly explain about session tracking in JSP
5. Explain about API,with an example program

Unit 5 :
1. Explain about simple AJAX application
2. Explain about form validation
3. Eplain briefly aboy DOM and SAX in javascript
4. Explain about client side programming using JAVA script with simple example
5. Explain about event handling