JNTUH B.Tech R18 - Operating Systems - Notes / Study Materials / Long and Short Answer Questions


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JNTUH B.Tech R18 - Operating Systems - Long and Short Answer Questions

Syllabus :

Operating System - Introduction, Structures - Simple Batch, Multi programmed, Time-shared, Personal Computer, Parallel, Distributed Systems, Real-Time Systems, System components, Operating System services, System Calls

Process and CPU Scheduling - Process concepts and scheduling, Operations on processes, Cooperating Processes, Threads, and Interposes Communication, Scheduling Criteria, Scheduling Algorithms, Multiple -Processor Scheduling.

System call interface for process management-fork, exit, wait, waitpid, exec

Deadlocks - System Model, Deadlocks Characterization, Methods for Handling Deadlocks, Deadlock Prevention, Deadlock Avoidance, Deadlock Detection, and Recovery from Deadlock

Process Management and Synchronization - The Critical Section Problem, Synchronization Hardware, Semaphores, and Classical Problems of Synchronization, Critical Regions, Monitors

Interprocess Communication Mechanisms: IPC between processes on a single computer system, IPC between processes on different systems, using pipes, FIFOs, message queues, shared memory.

Memory Management and Virtual Memory - Logical versus Physical Address Space, Swapping, Contiguous Allocation, Paging, Segmentation, Segmentation with Paging, Demand Paging, Page Replacement, Page Replacement Algorithms.

File System Interface and Operations -Access methods, Directory Structure, Protection, File System Structure, Allocation methods, Free-space Management. Usage of open, create, read, write, close, lseek, stat, ioctl system calls.


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JNTUH B.Tech R18 - Operating Systems - Unit 1 : Long and Short Answer Questions

Unit 1 :
Short Questions :
1. Define operating systems.
2. What are the different objectives of operating system?
3. What are the two real time systems?
4. Define multiprocessor systems.
5. What is the role of kernel?
6. What is distributed systems?
7. Explain different types of operating system services.
8. Define system calls.
9. Write some examples for Operating Services.
10. Define the types of operating systems.

Long Questions :
1. List out the various objectives & functions of operating system.

2. Discuss about operating system structure.

3. Elaborate about operating system operations.

4. Discuss various the various components of operating system structure.

5. Define System call. Explain in detail with its types.

6. List out Operating System Services.

7 Explain
(i)Batch System
(ii)Time Sharing System
(iii)Multiprogramming System
(iv)Distributed System

8 Write about functions of Process control and File management System calls.

9 Write short notes on
(i)Personal Computer (ii) Parallel System (iii) Special Purpose System.

10 Differentiate Multi-Programming and Multi-tasking system with neat diagram.
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JNTUH B.Tech R18 - Operating Systems - Unit 2 : Long and Short Answer Questions

Unit 2 :
Short Questions :
1. Define process.
2. What are the different types of process concepts?
3. Name the process states with neat diagram.
4. What are the steps involved in process control block.
5. What are the different types of schedulers?
6. Define process scheduling.
7. Define threads. What are the common types of thread?
8. What are the different types of multithreading models?
9. Define scheduling.
10. Name different types of scheduling?

Long Questions :
1. List the attributes of the process. Describe the typical elements of process control block.

2. What is process? Explain different process states.

3. What is preemptive and non-preemptive scheduling? Evaluate an algorithm for each Scheduling type.

4. Evaluate round robin scheduling algorithm with an example.

5. Consider the following four processes, with the length of the CPU burst given in milliseconds.
ProcessArrival TimeBurst Time
Calculate the average waiting time for (i) Preemptive SJF schedule (ii) non-preemptive SJF scheduling.

6. For the following example, calculate average waiting time and turnaround time for SJF and priority scheduling algorithms.
ProcessBurst TimePriority

7 Explain about Inter process communication.

8 What are the various process scheduling concepts?

9 Give an overview about threads and its issues.

10 Write about the various CPU scheduling algorithms and differentiate it.
JNTUH B.Tech R18 - Operating Systems - Unit 3 : Long and Short Answer Questions

Unit 3 :
Short Questions :
1. Define deadlock.
2. What are conditions under which a deadlock situation may arise?
3. What is a resource-allocation graph?
4. What are the methods for handling deadlocks?
5. Define deadlock prevention.
6. Define deadlock avoidance.
7. What is a safe state and unsafe state?
8. What are the characteristics of deadlock?
9. Define Banker’s algorithm.
10. Define protection.

Long Questions :
1. Explain Deadlock Prevention technique.

2. What is Deadlock? What are the necessary conditions for deadlock?

3. Explain the resource-allocation graph algorithm for deadlock detection with relevant diagram.

4. Examine dining philosopher’s problem and develop a solution using monitors.

5. Illustrate the methods for handling a deadlock.

6. Explain deadlock recovery methods.

7. Explain the concept of Inter Process Communication Mechanisms.

8. What are the necessary requirements of mutual exclusion?

9. How the deadlocks can be avoided? Explain it with the help of necessary algorithms.

a) Explain the steps involved in banker’s algorithm.
b) Explain about resource request algorithm.
JNTUH B.Tech R18 - Operating Systems - Unit 4 : Long and Short Answer Questions

Unit 4 :
Short Questions :
1. Define memory management.
2. What are the functions of memory management?
3. Define swapping & fragmentation.
4. What is demand paging and thrashing?
5. Define a) Virtual memory b) Segmentation
6. What are the advantages of segmentation?
7. What are the different types of page replacement algorithms?
8. Define the concept of paging?
9. Draw the diagram of structure of page table.
10. What is the purpose of paging the page tables?

Long Questions :
1. Briefly explain about segmentation?

2. Explain LRU page replacement algorithm with this example. Consider the following reference string 7,0,1,2,0,3,0,4,2,3,0,3,2,1,2,0,1,7,0,1

3. Consider the following reference string 7,0,1,2,0,3,0,4,2,3,0,3,2,1,2,0,1,7,0,1 Assume there are three frames. Apply LRU replacement algorithm to the reference string above and find out how many page fonts are produced. Illustrate the LRU page replacement algorithm in detail and also two feasible implementation of the LRU algorithm

4. What is paging? Explain the basic method for implementing paging.

5. Elaborate
a) Contiguous memory allocation
b) Fragmentation.

6. Illustrate about allocation of frames.

7. Explain FIFO page replacement algorithm necessary reference string? Consider the following reference string 7,0,1,2,0,3,0,4,2,3,0,3,2,1,2,0,1,7,0,1.

8 Explain the various page replacement strategies.

9 What is demand paging and what are its uses?

10 Write about the techniques for structuring the page table.
JNTUH B.Tech R18 - Operating Systems - Unit 5 : Long and Short Answer Questions

Unit 5 :
Short Questions :
1. What is a file?
2. List the various file attributes.
3. What are the various file operations?
4. What is the information associated with an open file?
5. What is Directory?
6. Write short notes on a) sequential access b) direct access.
7. Explain about indexed sequential access.
8. Define file system mounting.
9. Define file sharing.
10. Draw the diagram for tree structured directories.

Long Questions :
1. Explain about sequential and indexed file access methods.
2. Illustrate layered-file system implementation? Mention the various file-directory structures.

3. Explain the three allocation methods in file system implementation? Illustrate with proper diagram.

4. Explain
i) File sharing
ii) Protection.

5. Explain about access methods?

6. Explain in detail the four approaches to free-space management?

7. Discuss about the access rights and management simultaneous access.

8. Explain disk structure a disk scheduling.

9. Explain swap-space management.

10. Consider the following disk queen with requests for I/O to blocks on cylinders 98,183,37,122,14,124,65,67 in that order, using FCFS algorithm of the disk head is initially at cylinder 53,find the total head movement in cylinders. Also provide the necessary diagram to show the head movement for the above queue. (Applying)