JNTUH B.Tech - R18 - Java Programming Notes/Study Materials


JNTUH B.Tech - R18 - Java Programming Notes/Study Materials - Set 1 [All Units]
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JNTUH B.Tech - R18 - Java Programming Hand Written Notes/Study Materials - Set 2 [All Units]
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JNTUH B.Tech - R18 - Java Programming Hand Written Notes/Study Materials - Set 3 [Unit Wise]

JNTUH B.Tech - R18 - Java Programming - Short and Long Questions [Unit Wise]
Unit 1 | Unit 2 | Unit 3 | Unit 4 | Unit 5

JNTUH B.Tech - R18 - Java Programming - Important Questions [All Units]
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JNTUH B.Tech - R18 - Java Programming - Unit 1 : Long and Short Answer Questions

Unit 1 :
Short Questions :
1. Define class and object in Java?
2. List the Data types supported by Java.
3. Differentiate super class and sub class.
4. Define Polymorphism and list its types?
5. Write a java program to print hello world message?
6. Explain Object class?
7. List out the operators in Java?
8. Define variable and list the rules?
9. Can we overload main () method? Justify your Answer?
10. List out the access modifiers available in Java?

Long Questions :
1. With suitable examples, explain in details about different types of Inheritance?

2. Explain about the features of Java?

3. Compare procedural and Object oriented programming paradigm.

4. Does Java Support Multiple Inheritance?-Justify your answer.

5. Write short notes on this keyword and super keyword in Java?

6. Explain instance flow and static flow with an example?

7. Explain the Scope and Lifetime of Variable with an example.

8. Compare the similarities between method overloading and constructor overloading.

9. Develop a java program to print max and min value in an array.

10. Develop a java program for constructor overloading and method overloading?
JNTUH B.Tech - R18 - Java Programming - Unit 2 : Long and Short Answer Questions

Unit 2 :
Short Questions :
1. Define Package?
2. Define Interface?
3. Define Abstraction?
4. Differentiate character stream and byte stream class.
5. Define character streams
6. Define Byte Streams.
7. Differentiate between Abstract Method and concrete Method?
8. What is the need of JDBC type 3 and type 4 drivers?
9. Illustrate the steps involved in connecting the database?
10. List the types of JDBC drivers in java.

Long Questions :
1. How to define a package? How to access, import a package? Explain with examples?

2. Compare Abstract class and Interface with example.

3. What is java package? What is CLASSPATH? Explain how to create and access a java package with an example?

4. Write about driver manager class for database connectivity?

5. Explain in detail about input byte stream classes with examples.

6. Explain in detail about Output byte stream classes with examples.

7. Explain in detail about input character stream classes with examples.

8. Explain in detail about output character stream classes with examples.

9. Classify the different types of JDBC drivers used in data base connectivity in java.

10. Develop a java program to connect to a student databases and display student details.
JNTUH B.Tech - R18 - Java Programming - Unit 3 : Long and Short Answer Questions

Unit 3 :
Short Questions :
1. Define an Exception.
2. Differentiate Exception and Error.
3. Differentiate Checked and Unchecked Exception.
4. Define thread.
5. Define process.
6. Write the syntax of try block without catch and finally blocks.
7. List the different states of Thread.
8. Mention the use of ‘finally’ keyword in Exception Handling.
9. Differentiate multi-processing and multi- threading.
10. Thread class defines three types of priorities. Explain.

Long Questions :
1. Explain in detail about exception handling in java with examples.

2. Compare throw and throws in exception handling with examples.

3. Develop a java program that handle the “Divide-by-zero” exception.

4. Create a java program that demonstrate the own Exception subclass.

5. With a suitable example, explain in detail about thread synchronization.

6. Differentiate thread –based multitasking and process-based multitasking

7. Draw a life cycle model of a thread.

8. Explain the following.
a) sleep() b) yield() c) notify() d) notifyAll()

9. Create a program to illustrate how to implement ‘Runnable’ interface in thread.

10. Explain in detail about inter thread communication with example.
JNTUH B.Tech - R18 - Java Programming - Unit 4 : Long and Short Answer Questions

Unit 4 :
Short Questions :
1. Define collection Frame work.
2. Define String Tokenizer?
3. List the Constructors used to declare String Tokenizer class.
4. Write the Syntax for Stack methods.
5. List the methods of String Tokenizer class.
6. List the hash table constructors?
7. What is the difference between array and vector?
8. Explain any three methods defined by iterator?
9. Differentiate between iterator and for-each?
10. What is a java priority queue?

Long Questions :
1. Explain in detail about Collection interfaces.

2. With a suitable example, explain in detail about Scanner class.

3. Compare Vector and Array List with suitable examples.

4. List and explain the methods of Stack class?

5. With syntax, explain the following utility classes.
a) String Tokenizer b) Date and Calendar c) Scanner

6. What is the purpose of BitSet class? What is the functionality of the following functions of BitSet class: cardinality(), flip(), and intersects()?

7. What is java collections framework? List out some benefits of collection framework and explain?

8. Differentiate between ArrayList and a Vector? Why ArrayList is faster than Vector? Explain.

9. How an Hashtable can change the iterator? Explain.

10. Write a java program to store the names of bank depositors and their current balances by using hash table?
JNTUH B.Tech - R18 - Java Programming - Unit 5 : Long and Short Answer Questions

Unit 5 :
Short Questions :
1. List different types of Layouts.
2. Write a short notes a) Adapter classes b) Inner classes c) Anonymous Inner classes
3. Define AWT.
4. Define Event.
5. List the different Event Sources.
6. Write the Syntax for Applet tag.
7. List the types of Layout manager.
8. Mention the use of Action listener in event handling.
9. List the features of swings.
10. List the methods of Key Event Listener interface.

Long Questions :
1. With suitable examples, compare applet program and swing program.

2. Explain in detail about Delegation Event Model with suitable example.

3. Illustrate the Life cycle of an Applet with suitable example.

4. With suitable example, demonstrate how to pass parameters to an Applet.

5. Write a java program to demonstrate the keyboard event.

6. Write a java program to illustrate the concept of mouse events.

7. Classify the different types of Layout Manager used in java program.

8. Explain the steps involved in developing and executing applet program.

9. Explain the following classes: JFrame b) JApplet c) JPanel

10. Dvelop an applet that receives tree numeric values as input from the user and display the largest of the three on the screen.