JNTUH B.Tech - R18 - Introduction To Embedded Systems - Study Materials/Notes


JNTUH B.Tech - R18 - Introduction To Embedded Systems (IES) - Study Materials/Notes
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JNTUH B.Tech - R18 - Introduction To Embedded Systems (IES) - Important Short and Long Questions
Unit 1 | Unit 2 | Unit 3 | Unit 4 | Unit 5

JNTUH B.Tech - R18 - Introduction To Embedded Systems (IES) - Syllabus

UNIT - I :
Introduction to Embedded Systems: Definition of Embedded System, Embedded Systems Vs General Computing Systems, History of Embedded Systems, Classification of Embedded Systems, Major application areas, Purpose of E bedded Systems, Characteristics and Quality attributes of Embedded Systems.

The Typical Embedded System: Core of the Embedded System, Memory, Sensors and Actuators, Communication Interface, Embedded Firmware, Other System components.

Embedded Firmware Design and Development: Embedded Firmware Design, Embedded Firmware Development Languages, Programming in Embedded C.

RTOS Based Embedded System Design: Operating System basics, Types of Operating Systems, Tasks, Process, Threads, Multiprocessing and Multi-tasking, Task Scheduling, Threads-Processes Scheduling putting them together, Task Communication, Task Synchronization, Device Drivers, How to choose an RTOS

Integration and Testing of Embedded Hardware and Firmware: Integration of Hardware and Firmware, Boards Bring up

The Embedded System Development Environment: The Integrated Development Environment (IDE), Types of files generated on Cross-Compilation, Disassembler/Decompiler, Simulators, Emulators and Debugging, Target Hardware Debugging, Boundary Scan.
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JNTUH B.Tech - R18 - Introduction To Embedded Systems (IES) - Important Short and Long Questions

Unit 1 - Short Questions
  1. Explain in detail about embedded system, design process with examples.
  2. What is an embedded system and write about the design process.
  3. Write about formalisms for embedded system design in detail.
  4. Explain about Embedded Computing in detail.
  5. What are the reasons for using microprocessor in embedded systems?

Unit 1 - Long Questions
  1. Discuss why micro controllers are preferred for embedded systems.
  2. Briefly explain the challenges involved in the embedded system development?
  3. Explain the hardware and software features of the microcontroller i.e. 8051 that are useful for embedded systems.
  4. What are the various hardware functional blocks required to build a typical embedded system? Briefly explain their features and use
  5. Explain the general features of microprocessors and microcontrollers by giving one example for each. Discuss why microcontrollers are preferred for embedded systems
  6. What are the levels of abstraction in a embedded system design process?
  7. What are the major components of embedded system hardware?
  8. Define an embedded system? List out the software tools needed on designing on embedded system. Discuss about any one of them.
  9. What are the basic functional circuit chips in an embedded system? Explain.
  10. What are the techniques of energy and power management in an embedded system?
  11. compare and contrast top-down and bottom up design
  12. Design "model train controller" using UML.
JNTUH B.Tech - R18 - Introduction To Embedded Systems (IES) - Important Short and Long Questions

Unit 2 - Short Questions
  1. Explain the electrical specifications of RS232.
  2. List the two major states in the operation of Bluetooth.
  3. What is a CAN bus? Where is it used?
  4. Define the term carrier sense in CSMA/CD?
  5. What is I2C?

Unit 2 - Long Questions
  1. Explain the various features in USB communication protocol. Understand
  2. With neat sketches explain about Bluetooth technology.
  3. Describe the frame format and working of I2C Protocol with features. Understand
  4. Describe the CAN protocol bringing out the architecture, message formats and error detection on detail.
  5. Explain the encoding method, frame format, network access protocol used by Ethernet standard Explain the role of interrupts in embedded applications. Describe how they are handled by the CPU.
  6. What is Computational model. List out the different Real time models or Computational Model.
  7. Which are the different Parallel I/O ports? Explain in brief.
  8. Short note on: Timers/Counters.
  9. Explain serial communication with an example.
  10. Short note on : Analog interfaces
  11. Differentiate between hardware and software co-design.
  12. Explain Process Control in terms of operating system.
  13. Write a short note on: Functional units of Digital Camera.
  14. What do you mean by Network Router? Explain in brief.
  15. Write a short note on : RTLinux
  16. Differentiate between IC and Design technology.
  17. Compare RISC vs CISC processor.
  18. Draw and explain CISC processor architecture
JNTUH B.Tech - R18 - Introduction To Embedded Systems (IES) - Important Short and Long Questions

Unit 3 - Short Questions
  1. What is firmware
  2. What is a linker.
  3. What is kernel
  4. What is the difference between RISC and CISC
  5. What is a digital signal processor
  6. What are the features of SPI?
  7. What is the difference between C and Embedded C
  8. What is process life cycle?
  9. What are the advantages of simulator base debugging?

Unit 3 - Long Questions
  1. Discuss about Multiprocessing and Multitasking techniques used in RTOS?
  2. Briefly explain (i) Task scheduling (ii) Hardware software trade-offs
  3. Explain about Assembly Language Programming tools and techniques. Explain about data transfer and logical instructions with examples.
  4. Write about the assembly language programming process, programming tools and techniques.
  5. Draw and explain the integrated embedded system development environment.
  6. Write notes on Embedded software development process?
  7. Explain about ASICs, PLDs and COTs.
  8. Explain the significance of reset circuit and brownout protection circuit.
  9. Explain about firmware design approaches
  10. Explain the shared memory concept in inter process communication
JNTUH B.Tech - R18 - Introduction To Embedded Systems (IES) - Important Short and Long Questions

Unit 4 - Short Questions
  1. Define process.
  2. Define task and Task state.
  3. Name any two important RTOS.
  4. Summarize sophisticated multitasking embedded system?
  5. Explain multi task and their functions in embedded system.
  6. How watchdog timer helps the circuit in protection?
  7. Explain the difference between software and firmware.
  8. Give examples of different firmware’s

Unit 4 - Long Questions
  1. What is Digital Signal Processor? Explain the role of DSP in embedded system design.
  2. Explain the different characteristics of embedded systems in detail?
  3. Explain the role of Watchdog timer in embedded system
  4. Compare the operation of ZigBee and Wi-Fi networks
  5. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of high level language based embedded firmware development.
  6. What is Device driver? explain about device driver programming
  7. What is task scheduling? Explain Round Rabin scheduling algorithm
  8. Explain about how to choose an RTOS
JNTUH B.Tech - R18 - Introduction To Embedded Systems (IES) - Important Short and Long Questions

Unit 5 - Short Questions
  1. Explain different application areas of embedded systems.
  2. Write an application program for blinking of an LED.
  3. Write an application program for cap sense.
  4. Explain the application with digital logic.

Unit 5 - Long Questions
  1. Explain an application with precision analog communication.
  2. Explain an application program for serial transmission.
  3. Explain an application program for serial reception.
  4. Write an application program for LED glowing.
  5. Write an application program for dancing LED
  6. Write an application program for blinking of an LED with given delay.
  7. Explain how serial communication from one I/O to other I/O device is carried out using PSOC.