JNTUH B.Tech / B.Pharmacy 3-1, 3-2 Semester Examinations Time Table - March 2024


JNTUH B.Tech / B.Pharmacy 3-1, 3-2 Semester (R18, R17, R16, R15, R13) Regular/Supplementary Examinations Time Table - March 2024

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JNTUH B.Tech 3-1 Semester (R18, R16, R15, R13) Regular/Supplementary Examinations Time Table - March 2024

JNTUH B.Tech 3-1 Semester (R18) Regular/Supplementary - Forenoon

JNTUH B.Tech 3-1 Semester (R18) Regular/Supplementary - Afternoon [CSE - Allied Branches]

JNTUH B.Tech 3-1 Semester (R18) Minor Degree Regular/Supplementary

JNTUH B.Tech 3-1 Semester (R16) Supplementary

JNTUH B.Tech 3-1 Semester (R15) Supplementary

JNTUH B.Tech 3-1 Semester (R13) Supplementary

JNTUH B.Tech 3-1 Substitute Subjects

JNTUH B.Tech 3-2 Semester (R18, R16, R15, R13) Supplementary Examinations Time Table - March 2024

JNTUH B.Tech 3-2 Semester (R18) Supplementary

JNTUH B.Tech 3-2 Semester (R18) Minor Degree Supplementary

JNTUH B.Tech 3-2 Semester (R16) Supplementary

JNTUH B.Tech 3-2 Semester (R15) Supplementary

JNTUH B.Tech 3-2 Semester (R13) Supplementary

JNTUH B.Tech 3-2 Substitute Subjects

JNTUH B.Pharmacy 3-1, 3-2 Semester (R17, R16, R15, R13) Regular/Supplementary Examinations Time Table - March 2024

JNTUH B.Pharmacy 3-1 Semester (R17, R16, R15, R13) Regular/Supplementary

JNTUH B.Pharmacy 3-1 Substitute Subjects

JNTUH B.Pharmacy 3-2 Semester (R17, R16, R15, R13) Supplementary

JNTUH B.Pharmacy 3-2 Substitute Subjects

Note :
1. JNTUH through Proceeding No. JNTUH/EB/11148/2/2018 Dated.20-01-2018 have extended certain benefits to Physically Handicapped students (deaf, dumb, hearing impaired, orthopedically handicapped and visually handicapped) such as exemption from payment of examination fee and pass marks. The principals may submit the certificate of permanent disability in the year of admissions and it holds good for entire duration of the course. The colleges need not submit proof of disability for every series of exams (Only in case of permanent disability).

JNTUH Concessions granted to Physically Challenged(Ph.C) Students of Non Autonomous Constituent Colleges and Non Autonomous Affiliated Colleges

JNTUH Concessions to Physically challenged students

2. If there are any discrepancies like the question is incomplete in the question paper or a question is out of syllabus, all such discrepancies should be submitted to Director of Evaluation within 3 days of that examination. Otherwise such requests will not be entertained.

3. The request for the Challenge Valuation shall only be considered for those who applied for re-valuation in the specific subject.

4. Downloading of Hall Tickets 29-02-2024

5. Commencement of End Sem. Examinations 04-03-2024

6. Download JNTUH B.Tech Previous Question Papers at https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=app.pqp.com

7. JNTUH Clarification with regard to date of eligibility for employment of students

8. Hall tickets are to be issued by the Principal only to the eligible candidates who fulfill the academic requirements of the University. The students are informed to note that mere payment of examination fee does not guarantee eligibility for appearing for examination.

9. Any Omissions Or Clashes In This Time Table May Please Be Informed To The Controller Of Examinations Immediately.

10. Even If Government Declares Holiday On Any Of The Above Dates, The Examinations Shall Be Conducted As Usual.

11. Readmitted Students Have To Appear For The Substitute Subject(S) [Which Is/Are Not Shown In The Time-Table] In Place Of The Subject(S) Already Passed. For Details Of Substitute Subjects Refer The Communications Received From The Director Of Academic & Planning

12. JNTUH B.Tech / B.Pharmacy 3-1, 3-2 Semester (R18, R17, R16, R15, R13) Regular/Supply and Minor Degree Examinations Notification - March 2024

Note : Circular issued by JNTUH on 26-02-2024


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Rahul Anna grace marks eligibility list eppudu vasthundhi our clg isn't accepting to apply without list plz reply bro