JNTUH B.Tech 1-2 Semester R22 Re-Registration - April 2024

JNTUH B.Tech 1-2 Semester R22 Re-Registration - April 2024


JNTU-Hyderabad ( JNTUH ) As per the reference cited above, it is informed that all the JNTUH Affiliated and University colleges (Non-autonomous) have to upload of the first midterm examination marks for Re-registration of B.Tech I year II semester ( R22) 2022-23 regular academic admitted batch students. The first midterm examinations marks service will be enabled for those students who clear their payment i.e., the amount of Rs 3,000/- per student per subject.

The list of students details have to submit the following below format in college letter head. The hard copy of student payment details and subjects details have to submit on or before 08-04-2024 in the controller of examinations Jntuh examinations branch and the same day soft copy should be sent through mail id support.registrations@jntuh.ac.in

JNTUH B.Tech 1-2 Semester R22 Re-Registration - April 2024
Download Official Notification Here

The student’s re-registration for first midterm examinations marks service will be enable from 16-04-2024 to 24-04-2024 The cooperation of the Principals is highly solicited.

Note : Circular issued by JNTUH on 01-04-2024

