JNTUA Revised Schedule of 30th RRM - May 2024
JNTU-Anantapur ( JNTUA ) Revised Schedule of 30th RRM
Download Notification Here
Note :
1. Only the candidate who has registered for 30th RRM has to attend without fail.
2. The review meetings will be held in the Forenoon (FN) session from 9:30am to1:00pm and in the afternoon (AN) session from 2:00pm to 5:30pm on the specified dates.
3. All Scholars must bring the hard copy of the “Research Scholar’s Progress Report/Review Form” duly signed by the Supervisors (format available on the University website: https://www.jntua.ac.in/category/research-and-development/).
4. Attach all the previous RRC Reports attended
5. All Research Scholars are requested to make their own arrangements for boarding and lodging during the above period. Scholars are advised to stay one more day, if required.
6. For any discrepancies in the list contact “The Director, R&D Office : at 08554-273006 (office land line)” or mail to drnd.registration@jntua.ac.in.
JNTU-Anantapur ( JNTUA ) Revised Schedule of 30th RRM
Download Notification Here
Note :
1. Only the candidate who has registered for 30th RRM has to attend without fail.
2. The review meetings will be held in the Forenoon (FN) session from 9:30am to1:00pm and in the afternoon (AN) session from 2:00pm to 5:30pm on the specified dates.
3. All Scholars must bring the hard copy of the “Research Scholar’s Progress Report/Review Form” duly signed by the Supervisors (format available on the University website: https://www.jntua.ac.in/category/research-and-development/).
4. Attach all the previous RRC Reports attended
5. All Research Scholars are requested to make their own arrangements for boarding and lodging during the above period. Scholars are advised to stay one more day, if required.
6. For any discrepancies in the list contact “The Director, R&D Office : at 08554-273006 (office land line)” or mail to drnd.registration@jntua.ac.in.