JNTUA Pre Ph.D Supplementary October 2024 Exams Registration & Hall Ticket Forms

JNTUA Pre Ph.D Supplementary October 2024 Exams Registration & Hall Ticket Forms


JNTUA Pre Ph.D Supplementary October 2024 Exams Registration & Hall Ticket Forms
Download Official Notification Here

Instructions to Candidates :
1. The University reserves the right to cancel the admission of any candidate at any stage when it is detected that his or her admission to the examination or the College is against rules.

2. Candidate should take their seat at least 5 minutes before the distribution of question papers. Candidates coming half an hour after the commencement of the examination will not be admitted.

3. Candidates suffering from any contagious disease will not be permitted to enter the examination hall.

4. Candidates are prohibited from bringing to the examination hall any book, note book or loose sheets of paper. If they do so, they are liable for expulsion.

5. Candidates are not allowed to use any book or books, not allowed to keep a book or part there of or papers of any kind.

6. Candidates are also prohibited from bringing their own Mathematical Tables into the Examination Hall. These will be supplied to the candidates by the Chief Superintendent upon request when answering papers in Mathematics and Science subjects. Mathematical instruments will however, be allowed to be brought in. They are also prohibited from talking to each other, copying from other or allowing others to copy from them or copying or giving any other kind of assistance or talking to or communicating with a person outside the Examination Hall. If a candidate is found violating these rules and/or committing any other malpractice and or behaving in any undisciplined manner or causing nuisance or disturbance to other candidates, he/she will at once be expelled from the Examination Hall. He/She will not be allowed to sit for the remaining papers and he/she will be liable for rustication. Candidates are permitted to bring Non-Programmable Electronic Calculator in to the Examination Hall.

7. Candidates are requested to bring along with them everyday their Hall Ticket. They should bring with them the identity card and should be presented for inspection whenever demanded; otherwise they are liable to be sent out of the Examination Hall.

