JNTUA Pre Ph.D Summer Session Sep/Oct 2023 Exams - Certain Information Circular

JNTUA Pre Ph.D Summer Session Sep/Oct 2023 Exams - Certain Information Circular


JNTU-Anantapur ( JNTUA ) : All the candidates who have registered for the above examinations are requested to note the following points.

1. Pre Ph.D September/October 2023 examinations Paper IV (Intellectual Property Rights), Paper III (Research Methodology), Paper I and Paper II are scheduled on 30th 07th and 08th of September/October respectively. The timings are 02:00 PM to 05:00 PM.

2. The examination center is JNTUA, Examination Branch, Ananthapuramu - 515 002 (A.P).

3. The candidates are requested to collect hall tickets from forenoon of 29th (Friday) at the examination center by producing photo ID cards.

4. The list of candidates subject wise for Paper I. Paper II, Paper III and Paper IV is notified along with this circular.

For any omissions/discrepancies (if any) in the list please contact Dr. K.Jayalakshmi, Additional Controller of Examinations, Mobile No: 9000551424 immediately.

JNTUA Pre Ph.D Summer Session Sep/Oct 2023 Exams - Certain Information Circular
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Note : Circular issued by JNTUA on 25-09-2023

