Online Classes for GATE Examination Program Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Anantapur, Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Kakinada, Yogi Vemana University YSR Cuddapah, in collaboration with AP State Council for Higher Education, Vijayawada are organizing GATE online coaching classes as per the directions of Minister of Education, Govt. of Andhra Pradesh. Further, permission is also given to all the students irrespective of their registration to make use of these lectures.
General Instructions -
❖ Full syllabus of the subject (as per the GATE 2020) will be taught in 12 sessions. The duration of the each session is 2 hrs. It may be extended for another 30 mins.
❖ The class work will be conducted as per the schedule of timings given above. However, the timings may change depending on the convenience of the Experts. Therefore, students should note the same.
❖ As the course will be taught in a crash course mode, students are advised to listen lecture carefully and practice what was taught in the session.
❖ Students are advised to join in YouTube before 10 min. of the scheduled time and present until the lecture is completed.
❖ As the entire presentation is through live streaming in YouTube, the only interaction between teacher and student is through Google Forms attached to YouTube
❖ Students are advised to ask relevant questions related to material covered in the class. These questions will be clarified in the next class.
❖ Students are advised to avoid irrelevant questions and good morning/good afternoon messages as teacher has to go through entire questions. It will consume precious time of the teacher.
❖ Lecturer’s entire presentation is in ppts and these ppts (in pdf format) will be posted in both and after the class.
❖ Expert may share any relevant material/videos/weblinks to the students and students are requested to note the same.
❖ Students are advised to use laptop for better visibility
❖ Good earphone/headset may be used for better audio.
❖ Every day proper internet facility with band width of I MBPS and 3GB net data may be required for listening GATE online classes.
❖ While using You Tube, Auto adjust facility, may be used for effective utilization of available net without missing the class work.
❖ No Phone calls will be entrained as clear instructions are given.
❖ For any clarifications, which is not covered in the instructions may send mail to
❖ In order to ensure the senior faculty teach the respective subjects, all students, who have registered for different faculty members, are assigned only to one senior faculty member.
❖ The lecture is delivered through Google Meet (private domain) and linked with YouTube (public domain), in order to reach to more number of students by expert teacher.
❖ The subjects for next phase will be posted in the same URL on the last day of the phase.
❖ All students must be very disciplined and note down the important points presented by experts.
❖ It is advised to not to expect all the problems and solutions to be covered in the class. It is only to provide the exposure of the subject with GATE orientation.
Prof. S. V. Satyanarayana, Director Academic and Planning JNTU Anantapur Ananthapuramu
Prof. V. Srinivasulu, Director, Faculty Development Center JNTU Kakinada Kakinada
JNTUA / JNTUK GATE Online Classes 2020 - Chemical Engineering / Petrochemical Engineering - Subject Wise Youtube Links
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