JNTUA Examinations Branch - M.Tech / M.Pharmacy - Uploading of PC applications – Important Circular from DE


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JNTUA The principals of all affiliated colleges offering M.Tech/M.Pharm course is requested to apply for PC through EMS & forward Provisional Certificate (PC) Applications of those students who have obtained eligibility after the recent declaration of results of M.Tech/M.Pharm- IV Semester examinations. Attested photocopies of Acknowledgement, Student Aadhar card, SSC, Mother's Aadhar card or any Id issued by Government(for mother's name proof), all marks memos of all semesters and result copy of last semester results are to be enclosed along with each application. The fee to be paid by each student towards PC is Rs 200/- (Rupees two hundred) only.

JNTUA Examinations Branch - M.Tech / M.Pharmacy - Uploading of PC applications – Important Circular from DE


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