JNTUA Examinations Branch - AY 2023-24 - B.Tech 2020 batch - Uploading of PC & CMM applications - Important Circular from DE
JNTU-Anantapur ( JNTUA ) : The principals of all affiliated and constituent colleges offering BTech courses are requested to apply for PC & CMM through EMS & forward "Provisional Certificate (PC) & Consolidated Marks Memorandum (CMM) Applications" of those students who have obtained eligibility (registered for 160 credits and secured 160 credits for regular & registered for 121 credits and secured all 121 credits for lateral entry) after the recent declaration of results of 4th year 2nd semester regular examinations. The fee to be paid by each student towards "PC & CMM" is Rs 200/- (Rupees two hundreds) only. Readmitted candidates applications should be applied separately by enclosing all attested marks memos from I sem to VII sem and VIII sem results copy and sealed in a separate pack. Payment can be made by logging into JNTUA University Examinations Branch College Portal i.d https://www.jntuaebranchpayment.in/college/ . Applying for PC's can be done from 15.05.2024 to 31.05.2024 and the PCs & CMM's will be issued from 05.06.2024 onwards.
The applications and enclosures along with consolidated statement giving the names and admission numbers of students who have applied and a single online receipt for the fee are to be submitted at examinations branch from 05.06.2024 (Wednesday) onwards. The principals are strictly instructed not to send the students to the University for collecting the certificates. Certificates will be sent to the college through post only.
JNTUA Examinations Branch - AY 2023-24 - B.Tech 2020 batch - Uploading of PC & CMM applications - Important Circular from DE
Download Official Notification Here
Note : Circular issued by JNTU-Anantapur ( JNTUA ) on 10-05-2024
JNTU-Anantapur ( JNTUA ) : The principals of all affiliated and constituent colleges offering BTech courses are requested to apply for PC & CMM through EMS & forward "Provisional Certificate (PC) & Consolidated Marks Memorandum (CMM) Applications" of those students who have obtained eligibility (registered for 160 credits and secured 160 credits for regular & registered for 121 credits and secured all 121 credits for lateral entry) after the recent declaration of results of 4th year 2nd semester regular examinations. The fee to be paid by each student towards "PC & CMM" is Rs 200/- (Rupees two hundreds) only. Readmitted candidates applications should be applied separately by enclosing all attested marks memos from I sem to VII sem and VIII sem results copy and sealed in a separate pack. Payment can be made by logging into JNTUA University Examinations Branch College Portal i.d https://www.jntuaebranchpayment.in/college/ . Applying for PC's can be done from 15.05.2024 to 31.05.2024 and the PCs & CMM's will be issued from 05.06.2024 onwards.
The applications and enclosures along with consolidated statement giving the names and admission numbers of students who have applied and a single online receipt for the fee are to be submitted at examinations branch from 05.06.2024 (Wednesday) onwards. The principals are strictly instructed not to send the students to the University for collecting the certificates. Certificates will be sent to the college through post only.
JNTUA Examinations Branch - AY 2023-24 - B.Tech 2020 batch - Uploading of PC & CMM applications - Important Circular from DE
Download Official Notification Here
Note : Circular issued by JNTU-Anantapur ( JNTUA ) on 10-05-2024