JNTUA Download Hall Tickets For Examinations Through Online:
1. Once the registration of the student is successful, then the student’s hall ticket will be generated for that notification in student portal ( https://jntuastudentportal.ac.in/ ).
2. Once the Hall ticket is generated, the student can verify the list of subjects for which he/she has registered for that notification along with name of the examination center.
3. The student can take this hall ticket as reference to write the examinations.
4. The window of Hall Ticket Download is shown next page.
1. Once the registration of the student is successful, then the student’s hall ticket will be generated for that notification in student portal ( https://jntuastudentportal.ac.in/ ).
2. Once the Hall ticket is generated, the student can verify the list of subjects for which he/she has registered for that notification along with name of the examination center.
3. The student can take this hall ticket as reference to write the examinations.
4. The window of Hall Ticket Download is shown next page.