JNTUA COVID-19 Lock Down Extension upto 17-05-2020


JNTUA (JNTU-Anantapur) In continuation of this Office circular dated as reference (1) above, where in it was directed to close all the constituent colleges and affiliated colleges of JNTUA till 03.05.2020, I am by direction, hereby inform that JNTUA shall remain closed for a further period of two weeks with effect from 04.05.2020 i.e till 17.05.2020. All the affiliated colleges as well as the constituent units of JNTUA shall remain closed till 17.05.2020 as per the Government Orders.

The University Examinations schedule will be released by the University based on UGC guidelines and Directions from A.P State Government. The details will be posted in the University official website. The students and faculty are advised to access university website for further information with regard to the re-opening and examination schedules of all the University Examinations.

In this connection, for the benefit of all the students, The Principals of JNTUA constituent colleges and affiliated colleges are requested to instruct their faculty members to prepare and supply the lecture material for the leftover syllabus in the form of e-content like video lectures or power point presentations etc. The e-mails and Whatsapp groups as well as the College web sites can be effectively used for this purpose. The Principals and the Management are advised to make necessary arrangements so as to complete the syllabus of all years (UG and PG) through on - line lectures. The proof of lecture details and attendance of students should be made available in the respective institutions for verification, in future by University authorities.

The Principals shall also make necessary arrangements to complete the on - going projects of Final Year B.Tech / B.Pharm and IV Sem MBA, VI Sem MCA students through "work from home" during this lockdown period, in consultation with their respective Project guides/Supervisors through online and get ready with the soft copy of the Project/Thesis. The mode conduct of Viva Voce examination will be intimated later.

The University administration will review the situation on 17.05.2020 and update the further action to be taken and will upload the revised schedules of Academic calendars as well as the Examinations in the University Web Portal. All the Principals of the Affiliated / Constituent Colleges are requested to follow the above directions and send a compliance report. Further, the Principals, the Faculty and the students are informed to stay safe and strictly follow lockdown protocols issued by the Government from time to time.

JNTUA COVID-19 Lock Down Extension upto 17-05-2020


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