JNTUA B.Tech - R20 Regulations - Odd Semester - Swayam Courses - Electives For Academic Year 2024-25

SWAYAM Courses as Electives – Odd Semester – Academic Year 2024-25


JNTUA B.Tech - R20 Regulations - Odd Semester - Swayam Courses - Electives For Academic Year 2024-25
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Please note that the University has offered certain courses under R20 regulations in VIII semester of the academic year 2023-24, as a last chance for the students to meet the mandatory requirement of successfully completing one MOOC course for awarding the degree. If a student is unable to complete the requirement and related courses are not available as per the earlier list, he/she can register for the courses listed above as per the following guidelines. The completed course shall be reflected in V, VI/VII semester as the case may be.

1. Student registration for the above courses shall be only through the institution, it is mandatory for the student to share necessary information with the institution.

2. While opting for the courses listed above, the institution would essentially avoid the courses offered or already studied as part of the curriculum as it may otherwise lead to duplication and repetition of the same course.

3. A student is permitted to opt for any Professional Elective Course offered by the parent department.

4. All the courses with 12 weeks duration shall be considered for 3 credits irrespective of credit points specified in SWAYAM portal.

5. The institution shall designate a faculty member as a Mentor for each course to guide the students from registration till completion of the credit course. A student pursuing MOOC course through SWAYAM shall acquire the required credits only after successful completion of the course and submitting a certificate issued by the competent authority.

1. Student registration for the above courses shall be only through the institution, it is mandatory for the student to share necessary information with the institution.

2. While opting for the courses listed above, the institution would essentially avoid the courses offered or already studied as part of the curriculum as it may otherwise lead to duplication and repetition of the same course.

3. A student is permitted to opt for any Open Elective Course other than open elective offered by his/her own department.

4. All the courses with 12 weeks duration shall be considered for 3 credits irrespective of credit points specified in SWAYAM portal.

5. The institution shall designate a faculty member as a Mentor for each course to guide the students from registration till completion of the credit course. A student pursuing MOOC course through SWAYAM shall acquire the required credits only after successful completion of the course and submitting a certificate issued by the competent authority.

