JNTUA B.Tech (Last Chance) 3-2 Semester Supple Scheduled on 04.07.2024 Are Postponed & Rescheduled - Circular from DE

JNTUA B.Tech (Last Chance) 3-2 Semester Supple Scheduled on 04.07.2024 Are Postponed & Rescheduled - Circular from DE


JNTU-Anantapur ( JNTUA ) This is to inform that, the following examinations scheduled on 04.07.2024 (Thursday) are postponed and are rescheduled as indicated below. The Principals and the concerned are requested to note the same and inform to the students.

S.NoName of the ExaminationsOriginal Date, Day & TimeNew Date, Day & Time
1B.Tech (Last Chance) III Year II sem (R09 & R13) Supplementary July 2024 Examinations04.07.2024 (Thursday)
10:00 AM to 01: 00 PM
20.07.2024 (Saturday)
02:00 PM to 05: 00 PM

JNTUA B.Tech (Last Chance) 3-2 Semester Supple Scheduled on 04.07.2024 Are Postponed & Rescheduled - Circular from DE
Download Official Notification Here

Note :
  • Circular notified on 03-07-2025
  • Revised Circular issued by JNTUA on 05-07-2024

