JNTUA B.Tech 2-1 Semester (R15) Regular/Supplementary Examinations Results - Nov/Dec 2019
Note :
1. Last Date to Apply for RC, CV & PCA : Not Yet Issued
2. Procedure to apply for Recounting
3. Procedure to Apply For Challenge Valuation
4. Procedure to obtain Photo Copy of Answer Scripts
5. Any discrepancy in the result noted above must be brought to the notice of the Controller of Examinations(UG), within two weeks from the above date.
Note :
1. Last Date to Apply for RC, CV & PCA : Not Yet Issued
2. Procedure to apply for Recounting
3. Procedure to Apply For Challenge Valuation
4. Procedure to obtain Photo Copy of Answer Scripts
5. Any discrepancy in the result noted above must be brought to the notice of the Controller of Examinations(UG), within two weeks from the above date.