JNTUA B.Tech 1-1, 1-2 Semester Academic Calendar For Academic Year 2022-23

JNTUA B.Tech 1-1, 1-2 Semester Academic Calendar For Academic Year 2022-23


JNTUA B.Tech 1-1 Semester Academic Calendar For Academic Year 2022-23 [For 2022 Admitted Batch]
Induction Program (Zero Semester)26-09-202215-10-20222 Weeks
I Spell of Instructions17-10-202210-12-20228 Weeks
I Mid-Term Examinations
(1st Objective + 1st Descriptive)
12-12-202214-12-202203 Days
II Spell of Instructions15-12-202201-02-20238 Weeks
II Mid-Term Examinations
(2nd Objective + 2nd Descriptive)
02-02-202304-02-202303 Days
End Laboratory Examinations05-02-202312-02-20231 Week
End Examinations:13-02-202318-02-20236 Days
Commencement of class work for I year B.Tech II Semester20-02-2023--
Declaration of results for I-I15-03-2023--

JNTUA B.Tech 1-2 Semester Academic Calendar For Academic Year 2022-23 [For 2022 Admitted Batch]
I Spell of Instructions20-02-202315-04-20238 Weeks
I Mid-Term Examinations
(1st Objective + 1st Descriptive)
17-04-202319-04-202303 Days
I Spell of Instructions (Continued)20-04-202329-04-20231 1/2 Weeks
Summer Vacation30-04-202328-05-20234 Weeks
II Spell of Instructions29-05-202312-07-20236 1/2 Weeks
II Mid-Term Examinations
(2nd Objective + 2nd Descriptive)
13-07-202315-07-20233 Days
End Laboratory Examinations17-07-202322-07-20236 Days
End Examinations24-07-202329-07-20236 Days
Commencement of class work for II year B.Tech I Semester31-07-2023--
Declaration of results for I-II23-08-2023--

JNTUA B.Tech 1-1, 1-2 Semester Academic Calendar For Academic Year 2022-23
Download Official Notification Here

  • The midterm examinations are to be conducted during both forenoon and afternoon sessions and are to be completed as per the schedule given above.
  • All the midterm examinations shall be of both objective and descriptive type as per the academic regulations.
  • For slippage of working days due to any unavoidable reasons, compensation can be made by conducting class work on second Saturdays, Sundays and other holidays, except on National Holidays and important festivals.
  • Circular issued by JNTUA on 23-09-2022

