JNTU-HYD : B.Tech [R18] 1,2,3,4 Years (I,II Semesters) Course Structure & Detailed Syllabus




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Sir what about the 2nd semester of all year why did I am asking this topic last 2 months of jntuh did not conduct because of late correction and jntuh only conduct for regular R18 of 3-2 & R18 of 2-2 u got it or not
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2-2 syllabus r18 jntuh jntuh r18 syllabus jntuh r18 syllabus pdf r18 1-1 syllabus jntuh r18 1-2 syllabus jntuh r18 2-1 syllabus jntuh r18 2-2 syllabus jntuh r18 3-1 syllabus jntuh r18 3-2 syllabus jntuh r18 4-1 syllabus jntuh