JNTU-ANANTAPUR : Procedure to apply for Recounting


Well-Known Member
JNTUA Procedure to apply for Recounting

1. Fee for Recounting Rs.100/- per subject.

2. Fee is to be paid at examination cell of your Respective college in cash along with application/requisitions.

Recounting Application Form For B.Tech(CCC)

Recounting Application Form For Other Courses

3. Student has to produce Xerox copy of result for which he is applying. If it is based on result in net, the same is to be downloaded and handed over to the examination cell while applying.

4. Students need to register for the Recounting in their respective colleges only.

5. No recounting for Lab Marks.


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After every result JNTUA will issue Recounting / Challenge Valuation / Photo Copy of Answer Scripts Notification. which will be issued a day or 2 days after results are announced. will alert you after notification for 2-1 semester results is announced.
for sample notification go through the following url
After every result JNTUA will issue Recounting / Challenge Valuation / Photo Copy of Answer Scripts Notification. which will be issued a day or 2 days after results are announced. will alert you after notification for 2-1 semester results is announced.
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