JNTU-ANANTAPUR : Issue of Photostat Copy of Answer Scripts (Notification & Guidelines)


Well-Known Member

The University has decided to issue Photostat Copy of Answer Scripts to students on request for all the examinations held from May/June 2014 onwards and the 'Guidelines and the Application Form' are available below.

All the Principals and the students are requested to go through the guide lines. The Examination Section will issue notification inviting applications requesting Photostat Copy of the Answer Scripts immediately after the publication of the results.


1. A student applying for photostat copy of the answer script shall apply for the same in the prescribed application form along with a fee of Rs.1500/- (Rupees Fifteen Hundred Only) in the form of DD/SBI Challan/Andhra Bank Challan drawn in favour of "The Registrar, JNTUA, Anantapur".

2. The application form for requesting a photostat copy of the answer script can be downloaded from here [Link will be updated soon]. The application form shall carry the passport photo of the student requesting the answer script attested by the Principal of the College in which the student is studying and application shall be forwarded by the Principal.

3. Applications which are incomplete and which do not carry the required fee or which are not received through the Principal or which are received after the stipulated date shall be summarily rejected.

4. The student requesting the photostat copy of the answer script need not apply for recounting for that subject as recounting will be done before issuing the answer script.

5. If the student finds that any portion of the answer script was not evaluated or any totalling error is noticed, the same may be brought to the notice of the Director of Evaluation through a representation along with the copy of the answer script supplied within 30 days after publication of results. No other query regarding the evaluation of answer script shall be entertained.

6. The students have no right to claim any additional marks based on self assessment of the answer script or by comparing the script with some other script or based on the assessment by some other teacher.

7. Revaluation is not permissible as per the existing rules of the University and if the student desires he/she shall apply for challenge evaluation as per University norms.

8. A student can request the photostat copy of his/her own answer script only. In no case requesting the photostat of the answer copy of another student is permitted.

9. These guidelines shall be implemented for all the examinations held from May/June 2014 onwards.

Download Official Notification @ http://downloads.universityupdates.in/u4
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