Instruction for GTU Students For filling the exam form and payment

Instruction for GTU Students For filling the exam form and payment :
(1) For filling the exam form and payment student has to login at

(2) Kindly refer Instruction Guidelines for more details:-

Student Portal Guide for Students | Exam form E-payment (Student)

(3) Student has to strictly follow the exam form schedule as mentioned in Notification.

(4) For any query regarding exam form contact your parent institute only. So students/guardian are instructed not to contact University in this regard.

(5) If student find any mismatch in name, enrolment no, subject code, subject name and other details, they have to immediately contact parent institute.

(6) If due to technical problem, payment is deducted for more than once for single form and student has not received the refund within 07 working days then please mail us at:


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