IKGPTU Revised Schedule for Conduct of examination June-2022 shall be in off-line mode only

IKGPTU All colleges/institutions/students are hereby informed that conduct of examination April/May-2022 session shall be in off-line mode only as per schedule given as under.

S.NoSemesterDate of Start of ExaminationMode of Examination
1Practical Examination13th June 2022 to 19th June 2022offline
22nd , 4th, 6th, 8th and 10th
Regular and Reappear
1st July 2022offline
31st , 3rd , 5th, 7th and 9th Reappear1 st August 2022offline

IKGPTU Revised Schedule for Conduct of examination June-2022 shall be in off-line mode only

Note : Results Announced by IKGPTU on 23-05-2022

