IKGPTU All students of 5th and 7th semester are hereby informed that examination in Open Book Examination (OBE) mode will be held from 05.01.2022.
It is also informed that Admit cards shall be issued w.e.f. 01.01.2022 via login of each and every student. In case student unable to download admit card due to pending No-Dues, he/she have to contact concerned HOD of institute.
In case of any query in this regard, student may raise query from query panel available in his/her respective login.
IKGPTU Issuance of Admit card for 5th and 7th Semester Examination in Open Book Mode for session Nov-2021
It is also informed that Admit cards shall be issued w.e.f. 01.01.2022 via login of each and every student. In case student unable to download admit card due to pending No-Dues, he/she have to contact concerned HOD of institute.
In case of any query in this regard, student may raise query from query panel available in his/her respective login.
IKGPTU Issuance of Admit card for 5th and 7th Semester Examination in Open Book Mode for session Nov-2021

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