GTU Revised dates for Summer Vacation 2023

GTU Revised dates for Summer Vacation 2023


GTU With reference to academic calendar published on 6th March, 2023, GTU has declared summer vacation from 22/05/2023 to 07/07/2023. The vacation dates declared by GTU on the basis of term end for various courses & in larger interest of students.

In context of summer vacation circular (ref. 3), GTU has received request from various stake holders to change the summer vacation dates.

On request of various stake holders, the summer vacation dates are updated as mentioned in below table :

S.NoCoursesVacation Duration
1For all courses15/05/2023 to 02/07/2023

Note :
1) If the no. of teaching days falls less than 90 days in particular semester due to some unforeseen reasons, it would be responsibility of each institute/college to make good the loss by arranging extra classes.

2) All teaching/non-teaching staff have to perform exam related duties during summer vacation.

GTU Revised dates for Summer Vacation 2023
Download Official Notification Here

Note : Circular issued by GTU on 29-04-2023

