GTU Extension of Summer Vacation upto 20-06-2020


GTU Extension of Summer Vacation 2020

Ref. 1: GTU Circular No. GTU/Academic/Summer vacation2020/RO-04; dated: 13/04/2020
Ref. 2: Circular No: Parach/2018/61/Kh-1 by Education Department, Government of Gujarat dated 8th May 2020

With above Ref.1 summer vacation was declared from 15th April 2020 to 16th May 2020 (including both dates) by the University. In view of the prevailing situation of COVID-19 pandemic and for the safety of the students and other stakeholders, Government of Gujarat has extended the vacation for all Government University and its affiliated Government, private and grant in aid colleges, upto 20/06/2020 vide Ref. 2.

In view of the above, all affiliating Institutes are hereby informed that summer vacation is now extended upto 20/06/2020 and the same is to be informed to the students and faculties.

Let us stay home, stay safe and continue learning.

GTU Extension of Summer Vacation upto 20-06-2020


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