CBSE - Press Release About Class X and XII Board Exams Dated on 29-04-2020


Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) : With regards to conduct of Class X examinations several queries are being received by the CBSE. In this context, it is once again reiterated that remaining examinations of Class X as stated in the Press Release dated 01.4.2020 will be conducted by CBSE. It is once again clarified that adequate time of 10 days will be given to all stakeholders before starting the examinations. Therefore, there is no change in the position of holding board examinations and the position continues as per information given vide Press Release dated 01.4.2020.

It is also informed that examinations of all the subjects of Class X and XII as mentioned in Press Release will be conducted after assessing the situation after the lockdown is over.

CBSE - Press Release about Board Exams : Dated on 29-04-2020

CBSE - Press Release about Board Exams : Dated on 01-04-2020

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