BRAOU PG-M.Sc Psychology II Year (2023-24) Practical Classes Schedule June-July 2024, Nizam college, Abids centre

BRAOU PG-M.Sc Psychology II Year (2023-24) Practical Classes Schedule June-July 2024, Nizam college, Abids centre
Download Official Notification Here

Venue: Department of Psychology, Social Sciences Block,SecondFloor,RoomNo.228,NIZAMCOLLEGE AUTONOMOUS, LB Stadium Rd, Gun Foundry, Basheer Bagh, Hyderabad, Telangana 500001

1. Attendance is compulsory on all 6days. If the candidate is absent even for a single session, he/she will not be permitted to take the final practical examination.

2. Students may purchase and bring one physics or Chemistry Practical Record for writing psychology record.

3. The students should report at 10:30 am to the Coordinator/ Department Head, Nizam College Practical Study Centre, Department of Psychology, Social Sciences Block, Second Floor, RoomNo.228,NIZAMCOLLEGEAUTONOMOUS,LBStadiumRd,GunFoundry,Basheer Bagh, Hyderabad, Telangana 500001

4. They should also bring Practical manual of P.G II year (Course-X) which was already supplied to students by the university.

5. The dates of practical examinations will be announced at the time of practical classes. The experiments / tests that are discussed in the Practical manual (Course-X) of M. Sc II Year will be conducted during the period of practical classes.

6. Students are advised to follow Covid precautions strictly i.e. wearing a mask, maintaining social distance, hand washing etc.

7. Students should bring ID card/Admission Payment Receipt (2023-24) issued by the university. For further information please call Yadagiri 9160023040

