BRAOU B.Sc Science Practical Classes Schedule for old batch (II & III yr) 2016 & prior April 2024, Hyderabad Centre
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Note : This is to inform /Jot) that the Practical Training Classes for the students of B.Sc III & II year old batch (2016 & prior) in the subjects of Physics, Chemistry, Geology, Botany and Zoology will be commencing in April in the SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY MULI-FUNCTIONAL LABORATORY, SILVER JUBLIEE SCIENCE BLOCK, ROAD. NO: 46, JUBLIEE HILLS, HYDERABAD. All the science students belonging to the study centres located in Telangana region are advised to follow the schedule regarding batches in our website . Students are advised to carry the practical fee receipt.
Download Official Notification Here
Note : This is to inform /Jot) that the Practical Training Classes for the students of B.Sc III & II year old batch (2016 & prior) in the subjects of Physics, Chemistry, Geology, Botany and Zoology will be commencing in April in the SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY MULI-FUNCTIONAL LABORATORY, SILVER JUBLIEE SCIENCE BLOCK, ROAD. NO: 46, JUBLIEE HILLS, HYDERABAD. All the science students belonging to the study centres located in Telangana region are advised to follow the schedule regarding batches in our website . Students are advised to carry the practical fee receipt.