APJAKTU As per the U.O. cited above, students who are not satisfied/interested with the grades awarded for eighth semester (B.Tech S8 Exam May 2020 (Regular registrations) and B.Tech S8 (PT) Exam May 2020(Regular registrations)) can improve their grades obtained by writing the conventional examination which will be treated as their regular chance. Also, students who failed in the examination or were absent for the examinations shall appear for the supplementary examinations conducted in the conventional offline mode. Considering the availability of limited time for students to prepare for the exam, sanction has been accorded by the Hon'ble Vice Chancellor to postpone the B.Tech S8 (S) Exam September 2020, scheduled from 29.09.2020. Revised timetable will be published later.
APJAKTU B.Tech S8 Sept 2020 (Regular and Part-Time) supplementary exam scheduled to commence on 29.09.2020 is postponed
APJAKTU B.Tech S8 Sept 2020 (Regular and Part-Time) supplementary exam scheduled to commence on 29.09.2020 is postponed

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