APJAKTU B.Tech S7 (Supplementary) Exam Sept 2020 - Result published
Note :
It is hereby notified that the result of B.Tech Seventh semester (supplementary) Examinations September 2020 is published. The detailed results are available under 'Results' tab of the University website and in Student and College login.
Date of opening for request submission and fee payment of Answer book copy: For students, request submission and direct fee payment (online) / fee payment at College office: 30.11.2020, Monday to 07.12.2020, Monday
Request submission by College to University: on or before 09.12.2020, Wednesday
Date of opening for request submission and fee payment of Revaluation: For students, request submission and direct fee payment (online) / fee payment at College office: 30.11.2020, Monday to 18.12.2020, Friday
Request submission by College to University: on or before 22.12.2020, Tuesday.
Either students can submit the request and pay the fee directly through student login or submit the request through login and pay the fee at College office. Fee for answer script copy is Rs.500/- and fee for revaluation is Rs.600/- per answer script.
Note :
It is hereby notified that the result of B.Tech Seventh semester (supplementary) Examinations September 2020 is published. The detailed results are available under 'Results' tab of the University website and in Student and College login.
Date of opening for request submission and fee payment of Answer book copy: For students, request submission and direct fee payment (online) / fee payment at College office: 30.11.2020, Monday to 07.12.2020, Monday
Request submission by College to University: on or before 09.12.2020, Wednesday
Date of opening for request submission and fee payment of Revaluation: For students, request submission and direct fee payment (online) / fee payment at College office: 30.11.2020, Monday to 18.12.2020, Friday
Request submission by College to University: on or before 22.12.2020, Tuesday.
Either students can submit the request and pay the fee directly through student login or submit the request through login and pay the fee at College office. Fee for answer script copy is Rs.500/- and fee for revaluation is Rs.600/- per answer script.