Anna University : UG/PG Regular Examinations Time Tables - Nov/Dec 2018 [Affiliated Colleges]


UG/PG Affiliated Colleges April/May 2019 University Examinations Time Table

Affiliated Colleges November / December - 2018 UG / PG Regular Degree University Examinations - Time Table

Note : Dated on 17-10-2018
Notification for the Additions in the PG Time Table - Nov./Dec. 2018 Examinations [Affiliated Colleges]

Notification for the Additions in the UG Time Table - Nov./Dec. 2018 Examinations [Affiliated Colleges]

Notification for the Changes in the UG Time Table - Nov./Dec. 2018 Examinations [Affiliated Colleges]

UG - Anna University Time Table Nov 2018

B.E./B.Tech./B.Arch. (Regulation 2017) AFFILIATED COLLEGES

B.E./B.Tech./B.Arch. (Regulation 2013) AFFILIATED COLLEGES

B.E./B.Tech. (Regulation 2008) AFFILIATED COLLEGES

B.Arch. (Regulation 2009) AFFILIATED COLLEGES

B.E./B.Tech.(Part Time) (Regulation 2014) AFFILIATED COLLEGES

B.E./B.Tech.(Part-Time) (Regulation 2009) AFFILIATED COLLEGES

B.Arch. (Regulation 2007) Coimbatore AFFILIATED COLLEGES

B.Arch. (Regulation 2010) Madurai AFFILIATED COLLEGES

B.Arch. (Regulation 2009) Trichy AFFILIATED COLLEGES

B.Tech. / M.Tech. - Dual (Regulation 2008) Tirunelveli AFFILIATED COLLEGES




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