Anna University : Examinations Scheduled on 17-08-2018 Are Postponed & Rescheduled


Anna University : All the Exams Scheduled on 17-11-2018 Are Postponed & Rescheduled to 14-12-2018. Details @

Anna University : Due to the declaration of Public holiday by the Government of Tamil Nadu in connection with the sad demise of Thiru.ATAL BIHARI VAJPAYEE,Former Prime Minister of INDIA, the examinations scheduled on 17-08-2018 are postponed to 07-09-2018.
anna university holiday 16082018.PNG

Anna University : The Special Arrears Examinations August 2018 has postponed as the Government of Tamilnadu declares 17.08.2018 as a Holiday for all educational institutions. Hence all the Examinations scheduled on 17.08.2018 are postponed to 11-09-2018 (Tuesday).
anna university special arrear exams 17082018.PNG
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