Anna University With reference to the above, it shall be noted that Government of Tamil Nadu has directed to start classes in Physical Mode from 01.02.2022 for students studying in educational institutions inclusive of Universities and Colleges.
As per the direction and Standard Operating procedures provided by the Government of Tamil Nadu, it is informed that the classes shall commence for Semester 1 students of all UG degree programmes studying in University Departments, Constituent Colleges, Non-Autonomous and Autonomous Colleges affiliated to Anna University from 01.02.2022 onwards in Physical mode.
Further, for the Semester I students of MBA, M.Sc.(5 years Integrated) and MCA degree programmes studying in University Departments and for the Semester I students of MBA, MBA (5 years Integrated) and MCA degree programmes studying in Non-Autonomous Colleges affiliated to Anna University also the classes shall commence on 01.02.2022 onwards in Physical mode.
For the Semester I students of M.E. / M.Tech. / M.Arch. / M.Plan. / M.Sc.(2 years) /M.Phil. degree programmes in the University Departments and for the Semester I students of M.E./M.Tech./M.Arch. degree programmes in the Non-Autonomous Colleges, the classes shall commence on 07.02.2022 in Physical mode, as per the schedule already announced.
The Deans, Principals of the educational institutions are requested to follow the above by adopting the Standard Operating Procedures and guidelines provided by Government of Tamil Nadu scrupulously.
Anna University Commencement of classes in Physical mode for 1st Semester UG and PG Courses
As per the direction and Standard Operating procedures provided by the Government of Tamil Nadu, it is informed that the classes shall commence for Semester 1 students of all UG degree programmes studying in University Departments, Constituent Colleges, Non-Autonomous and Autonomous Colleges affiliated to Anna University from 01.02.2022 onwards in Physical mode.
Further, for the Semester I students of MBA, M.Sc.(5 years Integrated) and MCA degree programmes studying in University Departments and for the Semester I students of MBA, MBA (5 years Integrated) and MCA degree programmes studying in Non-Autonomous Colleges affiliated to Anna University also the classes shall commence on 01.02.2022 onwards in Physical mode.
For the Semester I students of M.E. / M.Tech. / M.Arch. / M.Plan. / M.Sc.(2 years) /M.Phil. degree programmes in the University Departments and for the Semester I students of M.E./M.Tech./M.Arch. degree programmes in the Non-Autonomous Colleges, the classes shall commence on 07.02.2022 in Physical mode, as per the schedule already announced.
The Deans, Principals of the educational institutions are requested to follow the above by adopting the Standard Operating Procedures and guidelines provided by Government of Tamil Nadu scrupulously.
Anna University Commencement of classes in Physical mode for 1st Semester UG and PG Courses
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