Anna University : All the Exams Scheduled on 16-11-2018 Are Postponed & Rescheduled to 13-12-2018


Anna University : Exam Scheduled on 22-11-2018 & 23-11-2018 Are Postponed Only For Thiruvarur, Nagapattinam, Pudukkottai Districts. Details @

It is informed that Theory Examinations scheduled on 20-11-2018, 19-11-2018, 17-11-2018, 16-11-2018, 15-11-2018 of November/December 2018 Examinations of Anna University pertaining to all affiliated colleges for the UG and PG Degree Programmes are rescheduled due to Cyclone. The details are given below. This may please be brought to the notice of the students, staff and all concerned.
  • Examination on 20-11-2018 [Tuesday] is postponed to 17-12-2018 [Monday]
  • Examination on 19-11-2018 [Monday] is postponed to 15-12-2018 [Saturday]
  • Examination on 17-11-2018 [Saturday] is postponed to 14-12-2018 [Friday]
  • Examination on 16-11-2018 [Friday] is postponed to 13-12-2018 [Thursday]
  • Examination on 15-11-2018 [Thursday] is postponed to 22-11-2018 [Thursday]

Note : University Departments Exams will be conducted as per schedule

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