AKNU B.Ed III Semester Examinations RV Dates - April 2024


B.Ed III Semester Regular & Backlog Results
April 2024 Results Grade Cards/Marks Lists and Checklists


1) College Check Lists will be sent to the Principals of the concerned Colleges. The candidates are directed to collect them from the concerned Principals on or after 03.07.2024 and not from the office of the Examination section of the University.

2) The results and Marks Statements issued will be cancelled at any time, if the information furnished by the candidate in the examination application is found incorrect.

3) Duplicate Marks Statements will not be issued within 30 (thirty) days from the date of publication of the results.

4) Copy of the Check List will be sent to the Principals of the concerned colleges for information. The Principals are requested to issue the marks statement to the candidates concerned only after affixing their College Stamp/Seal. Further they should maintain a permanent record with the signature, address of the candidates in token of the receipt.

1) The candidates of Adikavi Nannaya University Affiliated PG & Degree Colleges who are desiring of Revaluation of their valued answer scripts are required to apply in the prescribed Revaluation Format along with Revaluation Fee i.e. Rs.750/-( Rupees Seven Hundred and Fifty Only) in respect of each script of their respective course and Year/Semester and handover them to the concerned college principal, where they have studied on or before 18.07.2024.

2) The specimen hand writing of the candidate separately for each answer script to be revalued shall be enclosed to Revaluation Application. The candidate applying for the revaluation need not wait for the revaluation results and have to appear for the next examination as per the eligibility.

3) Last date for submission of Revaluation list along with DD to the University by the colleges : 20.07.2024

4) The candidate has to attach the respective exams result copy along with the Revaluation application.

1. Any discrepancy in the results published and the marks statements issued should be brought to the notice of the Controller of Examinations within 5 days from the date of publication of the results through the Principal concerned for rectification

2. Any complaints, representation, appeal, legal suit for redressal of examination related grievance shall be submitted 90 (ninety) days from the date of publication of the results. All legal suits against the University shall be filed in courts within the jurisdiction of Rajamahendravaram City only.

3. The above results are also available in the website www.nanayauniversity.info

AKNU B.Ed III Semester Examinations RV Dates - April 2024
Download Official Notification Here

AKNU AKNU B.Ed III Semester Regular & Backlog Examinations Results - April 2024

