vtu circular and notifications

  1. R

    VTU Declaration of Holidays From 14th to 28th March 2020 in the wake of COVID -19

    VTU Declaration of Holidays in the wake of COVID -19 http://www.forum.universityupdates.in/attachments/revised-circular-covid-19-03132020192058-pdf.10424/
  2. R

    VTU Postponement of Examinations Scheduled on 20th December 2019

    VTU Revised Dates For Postponed Examinations Scheduled on 20th & 21st December 2019 http://www.forum.universityupdates.in/threads/vtu-revised-dates-for-postponed-examinations-scheduled-on-20th-21st-december-2019.19413/ In view of the announcement of curfew and declaration of holiday for...
  3. R

    VTU Rescheduling of BE Examinations Scheduled on 1st January 2020

    VTU Postponement of Examinations Scheduled on 20th December 2019 http://www.forum.universityupdates.in/threads/vtu-postponement-of-examinations-scheduled-on-20th-december-2019.19382/ Due to overlapping the examinations, the following subjects are rescheduled. The details are given here below ...