svu pg results 2018

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    SVU : PG II Semester Supplementary Examinations Results - April 2018

    PG II Semester Supplementary Examinations Results - April 2018 How to check your results : 1. Follow the above given url. 2. Choose "PG II Semester Supplementary Examinations - April 2018" from "Select Examination" drop down. 3. Enter "Reg. Number". 4...
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    SVU : PG III Semester Examinations Results - December 2017 [For 28 Courses]

    PG III Semester Examinations Results - December 2017 [For 28 Courses] How to check your results : 1. Follow the above given url. 2. Choose "PG III Semester Examinations - DEC 2017" from "Select Examination" drop down. 3. Enter "Reg. Number". 4. Hit "Get...