r16 syllabus

  1. R

    JNTUH : B.Tech 2-1 & 2-2 Semester (R16) Course Structure & Syllabus (CBCS) - All Branches

    JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY HYDERABAD B.Tech 2-1 & 2-2 Semester (R16) Course Structure & Detailed Syllabus (CBCS)- All Branches Note : R16 = For the students admitted into I Year in 2016, 2017 & For the students admitted into II Year through Lateral Entry Scheme in 2017 & 2018...
  2. Updates4u

    JNTU-KAKINADA : M.Pharmacy [R16] I,II,III,IV Sem's Course Structure & Syllabus - All Specializations

    Note: As per Board of Studies, Pharmacy it is to inform you that, "Uniform revised regulations and syllabus for M. Pharmacy Programme" as issued by Pharmacy Council of India (PCI) to be implemented w.e.f 2017-18 onwards and its is resolved that for this Academic Year 2016-17, the PG regulations...
  3. Updates4u

    JNTUK : MCA [R16] Course Structure & Detailed Syllabus With Effect From 2016-17

    JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY KAKINADA MCA (R16) Course Structure & Detailed Syllabus MCA (R16) Course Structure & Detailed Syllabus For All Years/Semesters http://downloads.universityupdates.in/8X8 Note : Effective for the students admitted into MCA from the Academic Year 2016-17...
  4. Updates4u

    JNTUK : MBA / IMBA [R16] Course Structure & Detailed Syllabus With Effect From 2016-17

    JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY KAKINADA MBA / IMBA (R16) Course Structure & Detailed Syllabus MBA (R16) Course Structure & Detailed Syllabus Course Structure I Semester II Semester III Semester IV Semester IMBA [Integrated MBA] R16 - Course Structure & Detailed Syllabus I...
  5. Updates4u

    JNTUK : M.Tech [R16] I,II,III,IV Semesters Course Structure & Syllabus - All Specializations

    JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY KAKINADA M.Tech I, II, III, IV Semester's (R16) Course Structure & Detailed Syllabus - All Specializations Note : Effective for the students admitted into M.Tech from the Academic Year 2016-17 on-wards [2016 & 2017 Admitted Batches] M.Tech - Civil...