ou degree time table 2020

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    OU UG CBCS I, II, III, IV, V Semesters Backlog Examinations Time Table - October/November 2020

    OU UG CBCS I, II, III, IV, V Semesters Backlog Examinations Time Table - October/November 2020 https://www.forum.universityupdates.in/attachments/ou-ug-tt-08102020-pdf.12844/ Note : Time Table issued by OU on 08-10-2020 Courses : B.A./B.B.A/B.S.W/B.Com/B.Com(Hons)/B.Sc Time : 9 am to 11 am /...
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    OU UG VI Semester Main and Backlog & B.A/B.Com and BBA(CDE) III Year Examinations Time Table - September/October 2020

    OU UG VI Semester Main and Backlog & B.A/B.Com and BBA(CDE) III Year Examinations Time Table - September/October 2020 https://www.forum.universityupdates.in/attachments/ou-ug-tt-sept-2020-pdf.12207/ Note : Courses = B.A.\B.Com.\B.Sc.\BBA\BSW Time Table issued on 08-09-2020.