jntuh updates for exams postponed 2020

  1. R

    Postponement of UG & PG Regular and Supplementary exams of JNTUH scheduled on 16-10-2020

    JNTUH Revised Dates For Postponed UG/PG Regular and Supplementary University Examinations scheduled From 14-10-2020 to 22-10-2020...
  2. R

    Postponement of UG & PG regular and supplementary exams of JNTUH scheduled on 14-10-2020 and 15-10-2020

    Postponement of UG & PG Regular and Supplementary exams of JNTUH scheduled on 16-10-2020 https://www.forum.universityupdates.in/threads/postponement-of-ug-pg-regular-and-supplementary-exams-of-jntuh-scheduled-on-16-10-2020.22794/ All the Principals of JNTUH constituent and affiliated colleges...
  3. R

    JNTUH Revised B.Tech 4-2 Time Table September 2020

    JNTUH B.Tech 4-2 Sem (R16) Regular Exams Time Table - September 2020 R16-Forenoon | R16-Afternoon JNTUH B.Tech 4-2 Sem (R15) Supplementary Exams Time Table - September 2020 R15-Forenoon | R15-Afternoon JNTUH B.Tech 4-2 Sem (R13) Supplementary Exams Time Table - September 2020 R13-Forenoon...
  4. R

    JNTUH updates for exams postponed 2021

    JNTUH B.Tech / B.Pharmacy 4-2 Semester Examinations Scheduled from 14th June 2021 Are Postponed and Rescheduled from 1st July 2021 https://www.forum.universityupdates.in/threads/jntuh-postponement-of-b-tech-b-pharmacy-4-2-semester-examinations-rescheduled-from-1st-july-2021.26087/ Install...
  5. R

    JNTUH Circular of Examination Branch - April 2020

    JNTUH (JNTU Hyderabad) : The Principals, students and parents of the students are informed to note that only circulars or letters which are made available in JNTUH official website ( www.jntuh.ac.in ) and Principal/Student service portals of JNTUH are authentic. Further the students and parents...