FINAL FULL PLEDGED MEETING Scheduled with the Honorable Education Minister Sabitha Indra Reddy Ma'am & JNTUH Officials between 10 AM-3PM On 8th June 2023 at Secretariat Regarding JNTUH SUBJECT EXEMPTION AND RESTORE OF 30 GRACE MARKS FOR R18 BATCH. We got Confirmation from Minister Peshi about...
B.Tech 1-1 Semester Academic Calendar For Academic Year 2018-19 [For 2018 Admitted Batch]
Induction Program/Orientation Program : 16-07-2018 to 28-07-2018
Commencement of Instruction : 30-07-2018
1st Mid Term Examinations : 24-09-2018 to 26-09-2018
Submission of 1st Mid Term Exam Marks to...
jntuhjntuhacademiccalendarjntuhacademiccalendar 2018-19
jntuhacademiccalendar 2018-19 pdf
jntuhr18jntuhr18academiccalendarjntuhr18 schedule
jntuhr18 time table