JNTUH B.Tech 1-1, 1-2 Semester and 1st Year (R22, R18, R16, R15, R13) Regular/Supply Examinations Notification - July 2024
JNTU-Hyderabad ( JNTUH ) The Principals of all the JNTUH Affiliated and University colleges (Non-autonomous) are hereby informed that the University Examination Branch...
JNTUH B.Tech 4-2 Sem (R16) Regular Exams Time Table - September 2020
R16-Forenoon | R16-Afternoon
JNTUH B.Tech 4-2 Sem (R15) Supplementary Exams Time Table - September 2020
R15-Forenoon | R15-Afternoon
JNTUH B.Tech 4-2 Sem (R13) Supplementary Exams Time Table - September 2020
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jntuh 4-2 time table 2020
jntuh b.tech 4-2 exam time table 2020
jntuh b.tech exam time table 2020
jntuh exam time table 2020
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