Note : Absent Due to COVID-19 (treated as regular) Special examinations JAN-2021 without fine registrations service is extended upto 06-JAN-2021
JNTUH The Principals of the constituent and affiliated UG / PG Colleges are hereby informed that the University Examination Branch issues notification...
JNTUH (JNTU-Hyderabad) : In compliance with the directions of AICTE/TSCHE, all the students who are detained due to shortage of credits in the academic year 2019-20 or in the previous academic years are promoted to study next year of his/her course. The same information was already communicated...
JNTUH (JNTU-Hyderabad) It is proposed to conduct the IV-II semester examinations of B.Tech. and B.Pharm. Courses from 16-09-2020. The detailed exam time table will be communicated shortly. The Principals of non-autonomous colleges are informed to send the options of the students on or before...
JNTUH Mobile App : Android App & IOS App
JNTUH (JNTU-Hyderabad) All the Principals of colleges offering IV year B.Tech and B.Pharm courses are informed to note that the University is exploring feasibility to conduct the IV-II semester examinations of B.Tech/B.Pharm courses to the students at...
JNTUH B.Tech 4-2 Sem (R16) Regular Exams Time Table - September 2020
R16-Forenoon | R16-Afternoon
JNTUH B.Tech 4-2 Sem (R15) Supplementary Exams Time Table - September 2020
R15-Forenoon | R15-Afternoon
JNTUH B.Tech 4-2 Sem (R13) Supplementary Exams Time Table - September 2020
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jntuh final year exams2020jntuh time table
jntuh updates for exams postponed
jntuh updates for exams postponed 2020
university updates jntuh