jntuh btech exam time table 2020

  1. R

    JNTUH B.Pharmacy 1-1 Semester (R17, R16) & 1st Year (R15, R13, R09) Supplementary Examinations Time Table - October 2020

    JNTUH B.Pharmacy 1-1 Semester (R17, R16) & 1st Year (R15, R13, R09) Supplementary Examinations Time Table - October 2020 1-1 Semester (R17) 1-1 Semester (R16) 1st Year (R15, R13, R09) Note: Any Omissions Or Clashes In This Time Table May Please Be Informed To The Controller Of Examinations...
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    JNTUH B.Tech 1-1 Semester (R18, R16) & 1st Year (R15, R13, R09) Supplementary Examinations Time Table - October 2020

    JNTUH B.Tech 1-1 & 1st Year Supplementary Examinations Time Table - October 2020 1-1 Semester R18 (Supplementary) 1-1 Semester R18 Drawing 1-1 Semester R16 (Supplementary) 1-1 Semester R16 Drawing 1st Year R15 (Supplementary) 1st Year R15 Drawing 1st Year R13 (Supplementary) 1st Year R13...
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    JNTUH B.Tech / B.Pharmacy 2-1 Semester Supplementary Examinations Time Table - October 2020

    JNTUH B.Tech 2-1 Semester Supplementary Examinations Time Table - October 2020 R18 (Supplementary) R16 (Supplementary) R15 (Supplementary) R13 (Supplementary) R09 (Supplementary) Substitute Subjects JNTUH B.Pharmacy 2-1 Semester Supplementary Examinations Time Table - October 2020...
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    JNTUH B.Tech / B.Pharmacy 3-1 Semester Supplementary Examinations Time Table - October 2020

    JNTUH B.Tech 3-1 Semester Supplementary Examinations Time Table - October 2020 R16 (Supplementary) R15 (Supplementary) R13 (Supplementary) R09 (Supplementary) Substitute Subjects JNTUH B.Pharmacy 3-1 Semester Supplementary Examinations Time Table - October 2020...
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    JNTUH B.Tech / B.Pharmacy 4-1 Semester Supplementary Examinations Time Table - October 2020

    JNTUH B.Tech 4-1 Semester Supplementary Examinations Time Table - October 2020 R16 (Supplementary) R15 (Supplementary) R13 (Supplementary) R09 (Supplementary) Substitute Subjects JNTUH B.Pharmacy 4-1 Semester Supplementary Examinations Time Table - October 2020...