jntuh 4-1

  1. H

    4-1 and 3-2 exam notification

    When can we expect 4 -1 and 3 -2 notification for r16 regulation?
  2. R

    JNTUH B.Tech 4-1 Semester (R15, R13, R09) Regular/Supple Examinations Results - Nov/Dec 2018

    JNTUH B.Tech / B.Pharmacy 4-1 Semester (R15, R13, R09) Examinations Results - May/June 2019 http://www.forum.universityupdates.in/threads/jntuh-b-tech-b-pharmacy-4-1-semester-r15-r13-r09-examinations-results-may-june-2019.17447/ Note : Enter "Hall Ticket Number" in Capital Letters only...