jntua 4-2 syllabus r15

  1. R

    JNTUA : B.Tech / B.Pharmacy 4-2 Semester (R15) Course Structure & Detailed Syllabus

    JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY ANANTAPUR B.Tech / B.Pharmacy 4-2 Semester (R15) Course Structure & Detailed Syllabus (2015-16 onwards) Note : R15 regulation = Students who got admitted into 1st Year from 2015, 2016 onwards & For the students admitted into II year through Lateral...
  2. Updates4u

    JNTUA : B.Tech [R15] 1,2,3,4 Years (I,II Semesters) Course Structure & Detailed Syllabus

    JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGIAL UNIVERSITY ANANTAPUR B.Tech (R15) Course Structure and Detailed Syllabus (2015-16 onwards) Branch Wise Syllabus Civil Engineering Computer Science & Engineering Electronics & Communication Engineering Electrical and Electronics Engineering Electronics and...