appsc group 2 new syllabus

  1. R

    APPSC Group 2 Syllabus 2018 - Screening Test & Mains Syllabus

    The Final Syllabus for Group-II Services (Preliminary and Mains) which is recommended by the Experts Committee is hosted in the Commission’s Website on 22.10.2018. APPSC Group 2 Preliminary & Mains Examinations Syllabus : Dated on 22-10-2018...
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    APPSC Group 2 Notification 2019 - Recruitment For 446 Vacancies

    ANDHRA PRADESHPUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION: VIJAYAWADA NOTIFICATION NO.25/2018, Dt.31/12/2018 GROUP-II SERVICES GENERAL RECRUITMENT Applications are invited online for recruitment to the post of Group- II Services for a total of 110 CF + 336 Fresh vacancies. AGE: No person shall be eligible for...