JNTUK - DUGSA - USC - Athletics Inter-Collegiate Championship - 2021-22 cum Selection Trails, Rules and Regulation

JNTUK I am by the direction of the Hon'ble Vice-Chancellor, wish to inform to you that the JNTUK Central Zone Athletics (M&W) Inter Collegiate Tournament cum Selection trials for the academic year 2020-21 will be conducted as per the schedule given under:

JNTUK - DUGSA - USC - Athletics Inter-Collegiate Championship - 2021-22 cum Selection Trails, Rules and Regulation

In this connection, the participating colleges have to abide the enclosed Rules and Regulation of the University for their Participation in the forthcoming Athletics Inter-Collegiate Tournament for the academic year 2021-22. Concerned Principal of the college to which the event is allotted is requested to monitor the necessary arrangements for smooth conduct of the tournament. Please contact concerned Organizing Secretary for further information regarding, the tournament.


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